6/22-24,7/29-30 |
NY to Indiana |
Itinerary |
6/24-27,7/28 |
Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota - travelling |
6/27-30,7/26-27 |
South Dakota: B=Badlands,C=CusterStatePk, |
AOU Checklist Order |
Nebraska: N= Ogolalla NG, Agate Fossils, travel home(n) |
WY |
6/30-7/2,24-25 |
Wyoming: Shawn's Laramie tour |
ID |
7/2-7,23-24 |
Idaho: Craters on the Moon, Snake River Birds of Prey, Hell's
Canyon; travel back |
WA |
7/7-7/20 |
C=North Cascades NP,D=Dungeness National Wildlife Area,
O=Olympic NP |
R=Mt. Rainier H=Mt St Helens |
OR |
7/20-23 |
traveled past Mt. Hood, stopped at Hart Mt, M=Malheur NWR |
IA |
7/27-28 |
traveling along Rte 80, S=Neal Smith NWR Prairie City IA |
2011 Trip List |
WY |
ID |
WA |
OR |
IA |
No.Loc |
Common Loon [Gavia
immer] |
D |
1 |
Pied-billed Grebe |
X |
XM |
2 |
Eared Grebe [Podiceps
nigricollis] |
X |
M |
2 |
Clark's Grebe |
M |
1 |
Western Grebe [Aechmophorus
occidentalis] |
X |
XM |
2 |
Sooty Shearwater |
O |
1 |
American White Pelican [Pelecanus
erythrorhynchos] |
X |
X |
XM |
3 |
Brown Pelican |
O |
1 |
Pelagic Cormorant |
O |
1 |
Brandt's Cormorant |
O |
1 |
Double-crested Cormorant [Phalacrocorax
auritus] |
x |
X |
X |
XO |
M |
5 |
American Bittern [Botaurus
lentiginosus] |
M |
1 |
Great Blue Heron [Ardea
herodias] |
x |
x |
x |
X |
M |
5 |
Snowy Egret |
M |
1 |
Great Egret [Ardea
alba] |
x |
x |
M |
3 |
Green Heron [Butorides
virescens] |
x |
1 |
Black-crowned Night-Heron [Nycticorax
nycticorax] |
x |
M |
2 |
White-faced Ibis [Plegadis
chihi] |
x |
X |
M |
3 |
Turkey Vulture [Cathartes
aura] |
x |
x |
BWn |
XM |
5 |
Canada Goose [Branta
canadensis] |
x |
X |
X |
X |
XM |
5 |
Mute Swan [Cygnus
olor] |
x |
1 |
Wood Duck [Aix
sponsa] |
x |
X |
2 |
Gadwall [Anas
strepera] |
x |
1 |
American Wigeon [Anas
americana] |
x |
1 |
American Black Duck [Anas
rubripes] |
X |
X |
2 |
Mallard [Anas
platyrhynchos] |
x |
X |
X |
3 |
Blue-winged Teal [Anas
discors] |
X |
M |
2 |
Cinnamon Teal [Anas cyanoptera] |
X |
M |
2 |
Green-winged Teal |
x |
1 |
Northern Shoveler [Anas
clypeata] |
X |
1 |
Canvasback [Aythya
valisineria] |
x |
1 |
Redhead |
x |
X |
M |
3 |
Lesser Scaup [Aythya
affinis] |
x |
1 |
White-winged Scoter |
O |
1 |
Harlequin Duck [Histrionicus
histrionicus] |
O |
1 |
Common Goldeneye |
X |
1 |
Bufflehead |
X |
1 |
Common Merganser [Mergus
merganser] |
O |
X |
2 |
Hooded Merganser |
O |
1 |
Ruddy Duck [Oxyura
jamaicensis] |
X |
M |
2 |
Osprey [Pandion
haliaetus] |
x |
X |
X |
X |
X |
5 |
Bald Eagle [Haliaeetus
leucocephalus] |
x |
2 |
Northern Harrier [Circus
cyaneus] |
N |
X |
XM |
3 |
Sharp-shinned Hawk [Accipiter
striatus] |
x |
XC |
2 |
Red-shouldered Hawk [Buteo
lineatus] |
x |
1 |
Broad-winged Hawk [Buteo
platypterus] |
X |
1 |
Swainson's Hawk [Buteo
swainsoni] |
X |
X |
X |
3 |
Red-tailed Hawk [Buteo
jamaicensis] |
x |
xn |
X |
XM |
X |
6 |
Ferruginous Hawk [Buteo
regalis] |
x |
X |
2 |
Golden Eagle [Aquila
chrysaetos] |
X |
X |
2 |
American Kestrel [Falco
sparverius] |
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
X |
M |
7 |
Prairie Falcon |
x |
XM |
2 |
Peregrine Falcon |
X |
M |
2 |
Chukar |
X |
1 |
Wild Turkey [Meleagris
gallopavo] |
x |
X |
2 |
Ring-necked Pheasant [Phasianus
colchicus] |
x |
M |
2 |
Pacific (Sooty) Grouse (Blue Grouse) |
CR |
1 |
California Quail |
X |
D |
M |
3 |
Virginia Rail |
X |
1 |
Sora [Porzana
carolina] |
x |
1 |
American Coot [Fulica
americana] |
X |
XM |
2 |
Sandhill Crane [Grus
canadensis] |
x |
X |
2 |
Killdeer [Charadrius
vociferus] |
X |
x |
XBn |
X |
X |
XM |
6 |
Black-necked Stilt [Himantopus
mexicanus] |
M |
1 |
American Avocet [Recurvirostra
americana] |
M |
1 |
Willet [Catoptrophorus
semipalmatus] |
X |
M |
2 |
Spotted Sandpiper [Actitis
macularia] |
O |
X |
2 |
Upland Sandpiper [Bartramia
longicauda] |
B |
1 |
Long-billed Curlew [Numenius
americanus] |
XB |
M |
2 |
Rock Sandpiper |
O |
1 |
Wilson's Phalarope [Phalaropus
tricolor] |
M |
1 |
Heermann's Gull |
XO |
1 |
Franklin's Gull [Larus
pipixcan] |
M |
1 |
Ring-billed Gull [Larus
delawarensis] |
x |
X |
X |
X |
M |
5 |
California Gull |
X |
XO |
XM |
3 |
Great Black-backed Gull [Larus
] |
x |
1 |
Herring Gull [Larus
argentatus] |
x |
1 |
Western Gull |
X |
1 |
Glaucous-winged Gull |
X |
1 |
Caspian Tern |
X |
1 |
Forster's Tern [Sterna
forsteri] |
X |
XM |
2 |
Black Tern [Chlidonias
niger] |
M |
1 |
Pigeon Guillemot |
1 |
Marbled Murrelet |
X |
1 |
Rhinoceros Auklet |
X |
1 |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
O |
1 |
Rock Pigeon [Columba
livia] |
x |
x |
B |
X |
X |
X |
X |
7 |
Mourning Dove [Zenaida
macroura] |
x |
x |
XBn |
X |
D |
X |
6 |
Eurasian Collared Dove |
X |
X |
2 |
Barn Owl |
X |
1 |
Great Horned Owl [Bubo
virginianus] |
X |
1 |
Burrowing Owl [Athene
cunicularia] |
B |
X |
2 |
Barred Owl [Strix
varia] |
X |
C |
2 |
Common Nighthawk [Chordeiles
minor] |
B |
X |
CX |
XM |
4 |
Whip-por-will |
x |
1 |
Vaux's Swift [Chaetura
vauxi] |
X |
X |
2 |
White-throated Swift |
X |
X |
2 |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus
colubris] |
x |
1 |
Rufous Hummingbird |
C |
1 |
Belted Kingfisher [Ceryle
alcyon] |
x |
x |
X |
X |
4 |
Red-bellied Woodpecker [s] |
x |
1 |
Red-headed Woodpecker [Melanerpes
erythrocephalus] |
x |
1 |
Red-breasted Sapsucker |
C |
1 |
Red-naped Sapsucker [Sphyrapicus
nuchalis] |
C |
X |
2 |
Downy Woodpecker |
x |
1 |
Hairy Woodpecker [Picoides
villosus] |
x |
1 |
Black-backed Woodpecker [Picoides
arcticus] |
C |
1 |
Northern Flicker [Colaptes
auratus] |
x |
n |
RS |
X(RS) |
5 |
Pileated Woodpecker [Dryocopus
pileatus] |
x |
CR |
2 |
Eastern Wood-Pewee [Contopus
virens] |
x |
x |
2 |
Western Wood-Pewee |
X |
XD |
X |
3 |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher [Empidonax
flaviventris] |
0 |
Acadian Flycatcher |
W |
1 |
Willow Flycatcher [Empidonax
traillii] |
x |
X |
2 |
Hammond's Flycatcher [Empidonax
hammondii] |
X |
1 |
Pacific-slope Flycatcher |
O |
1 |
Eastern Phoebe [Sayornis
phoebe] |
x |
1 |
Say's Phoebe [Sayornis
saya] |
ButteFossils |
X |
2 |
Great-crested Flycatcher |
x |
x |
C |
3 |
Western Kingbird [Tyrannus
verticalis] |
BWn |
X |
X |
X |
X |
5 |
Eastern Kingbird [Tyrannus
tyrannus] |
x |
x |
BNn |
X |
X |
S |
6 |
Loggerhead Shrike [Lanius
ludovicianus] |
X |
1 |
Plumbeus Vireo [Vireo
?] |
W |
1 |
Cassin's Vireo |
X |
1 |
Warbling Vireo [Vireo
gilvus] |
x |
x |
C |
X |
X |
5 |
Red-eyed Vireo [Vireo
olivaceus] |
x |
X |
2 |
Gray Jay |
CR |
1 |
Steller's Jay [Cyanocitta
stelleri] |
R |
X |
2 |
Blue Jay [Cyanocitta
cristata] |
x |
x |
2 |
Clark's Nutcracker |
CR |
1 |
Black-billed Magpie [Pica
pica] |
Nn |
X |
X |
X |
4 |
American Crow [Corvus
brachyrhynchos] |
x |
x |
B |
X |
XM |
6 |
Northwestern Crow |
1 |
Fish Crow (Corvus
ossifragus) |
X |
1 |
Common Raven [Corvus
corax] |
x |
X |
X |
X |
5 |
Horned Lark [Eremophila
alpestris] |
B |
X |
2 |
Purple Martin [Progne
subis] |
B |
1 |
Tree Swallow [Tachycineta
bicolor] |
x |
X |
X |
S |
4 |
Rough-winged Swallow |
x |
1 |
Violet-green Swallow [Tachycineta
thalassina] |
X |
X |
XM |
3 |
Bank Swallow [Riparia
riparia] |
x |
M |
2 |
Cliff Swallow [Petrochelidon
pyrrhonota] |
x |
B |
X |
X |
XM |
S |
6 |
Barn Swallow [Hirundo
rustica] |
x |
x |
BWn |
X |
X |
XO |
XM |
XS |
8 |
Black-capped Chickadee [Poecile
atricapillus] |
x |
x |
XB |
X |
X |
X |
6 |
Chestnut-backed Chickadee |
D |
1 |
Tufted Titmouse [Baeolophus
bicolor] |
x |
x |
2 |
Red-breasted Nuthatch [Sitta
canadensis] |
x |
C |
X |
R |
4 |
White-breasted Nuthatch [Sitta
carolinensis] |
x |
1 |
Pygmy Nuthatch |
x |
1 |
Brown Creeper [Certhia
americana] |
x |
x |
C |
3 |
Carolina Wren |
X |
1 |
House Wren [Troglodytes
aedon] |
x |
x |
Cn |
X |
X |
5 |
Rock Wren |
X |
1 |
Canyon Wren |
B |
1 |
Pacific Wren [Troglodytes
pacificus ] |
X |
2 |
Winter Wren
[Troglodytes hiemalis] |
0 |
Sedge Wren [Cistothorus
platensis] |
S |
1 |
Marsh Wren [Cistothorus
palustris] |
x |
X |
XM |
3 |
American Dipper [Cinclus
mexicanus] |
C |
1 |
Golden-crowned Kinglet [Regulus
satrapa] |
1 |
Eastern Bluebird [Sialia
sialis] |
x |
x |
2 |
Western Bluebird |
X |
1 |
Mountain Bluebird [Sialia
currucoides] |
B |
X |
R |
3 |
Townsend's Solitaire [Myadestes
townsendi] |
CW |
X |
2 |
Veery [Catharus
fuscescens] |
x |
1 |
Swainson's Thrush [Catharus
ustulatus] |
X |
2 |
Hermit Thrush [Catharus
guttatus] |
X |
1 |
Wood Thrush [Hylocichla
mustelina] |
0 |
American Robin [Turdus
migratorius] |
x |
x |
BCn |
X |
X |
6 |
Varied Thrush [Ixoreus
naevius] |
X |
2 |
Gray Catbird [Dumetella
carolinensis] |
x |
1 |
Brown Thrasher [Toxostoma
rufum] |
BN |
1 |
Sage Thrasher |
X |
X |
X |
3 |
European Starling [Sturnus
vulgaris] |
x |
x |
X |
XH |
X |
X |
6 |
American Pipit [Anthus
rubescens] |
O |
1 |
Sprague's Pipit [Anthus
spragueii] |
B |
1 |
Cedar Waxwing [Bombycilla
cedrorum] |
x |
x |
X |
4 |
Orange-crowned Warbler [Vermivora
celata] |
X |
1 |
Yellow Warbler [Dendroica
petechia] |
x |
W |
X |
X |
X |
XM |
6 |
Black-throated Blue Warbler [Dendroica
caerulescens] |
x |
1 |
Yellow-rumped Warbler [Dendroica
coronata] |
C |
X |
X(Au) |
3 |
Black-throated Gray Warbler |
CR |
1 |
Townsend's Warbler |
x |
CR |
2 |
Black-throated Green Warbler [Dendroica
virens] |
x |
1 |
Black-and-white Warbler [Mniotilta
varia] |
x |
1 |
American Redstart [Setophaga
ruticilla] |
x |
1 |
Ovenbird [Seiurus
aurocapillus] |
x |
1 |
MacGillivray's Warbler [Oporornis
tolmiei] |
X |
CO |
2 |
Common Yellowthroat [Geothlypis
trichas] |
x |
x |
N |
X |
XM |
S |
6 |
Wilson's Warbler |
O |
1 |
Scarlet Tanager [Piranga
olivacea] |
x |
X |
2 |
Western Tanager [Piranga
ludoviciana] |
CW |
X |
O |
3 |
Eastern Towhee [Pipilo
erythrophthalmus] |
x |
1 |
Spotted Towhee |
BC |
X |
3 |
Chipping Sparrow [Spizella
passerina] |
x |
x |
n |
X |
4 |
Brewer's Sparrow [Spizella
breweri] |
X |
1 |
Field Sparrow [Spizella
pusilla] |
X |
x |
2 |
Vesper Sparrow [Pooecetes
gramineus] |
X |
X |
2 |
Lark Sparrow [Chondestes
grammacus] |
BN |
X |
X |
3 |
Lark Bunting [Calamospiza
melanocorys] |
B |
X |
2 |
Savannah Sparrow [Passerculus
sandwichensis] |
x |
1 |
Grasshopper Sparrow [Ammodramus
savannarum] |
B |
S |
2 |
Henslow's Sparrow |
S |
1 |
Song Sparrow [Melospiza
melodia] |
x |
x |
C |
X |
S |
6 |
Swamp Sparrow [Melospiza
georgiana] |
x |
1 |
White-crowned Sparrow [Zonotrichia
leucophrys] |
X |
1 |
Dark-eyed Junco [Junco
hyemalis] |
x |
Cww |
OR |
4 |
McCown's Longspur
mccownii] |
x |
1 |
Northern Cardinal [Cardinalis
cardinalis] |
x |
x |
n |
3 |
Dickcissel |
B |
S |
2 |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
x |
1 |
Black-headed Grosbeak |
X |
XD |
2 |
Indigo Bunting [Passerina
cyanea] |
x |
x |
2 |
Bobolink [Dolichonyx
oryzivorus] |
x |
1 |
Red-winged Blackbird [Agelaius
phoeniceus] |
x |
x |
BC |
X |
X |
X |
MX |
XS |
8 |
Eastern Meadowlark |
S |
1 |
Western Meadowlark [Sturnella
neglecta] |
x |
B |
x |
X |
XM |
5 |
Yellow-headed Blackbird [Xanthocephalus
xanthocephalus] |
X |
X |
XM |
3 |
Brewer's Blackbird [Euphagus
cyanocephalus] |
BWn |
x |
X |
X |
XM |
5 |
Common Grackle [Quiscalus
quiscula] |
x |
x |
B |
X |
X |
5 |
Great-tailed Grackle |
X |
1 |
Brown-headed Cowbird [Molothrus
ater] |
x |
x |
BW |
X |
X |
XM |
S |
7 |
Orchard Oriole [Icterus
spurius] |
B |
XM |
2 |
Baltimore Oriole [Icterus
galbula] |
x |
1 |
Bullock's Oriole |
X |
1 |
Purple Finch [Carpodacus
purpureus] |
XR |
X |
2 |
Cassin's Finch [Carpodacus
cassinii] |
X |
XR |
2 |
House Finch [Carpodacus
mexicanus] |
x |
x |
X |
3 |
Pine Grosbeak |
R |
1 |
Pine Siskin [Carduelis
pinus] |
X |
X |
XR |
3 |
American Goldfinch [Carduelis
tristis] |
x |
x |
BW |
X |
X |
X |
S |
7 |
House Sparrow [Passer
domesticus] |
x |
x |
xn |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
8 |
232 |
84 |
44 |
61 |
47 |
73 |
106 |
86 |
19 |
229 |
2011 Trip:Mammals |
WY |
ID |
WA |
OR |
IA |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
No.Loc |
Badger |
C |
X |
X |
3 |
Big horned Sheep |
B |
1 |
Bison |
S |
2 |
Chipmunk, Eastern |
x |
1 |
Chipmunk, Least |
R |
X |
2 |
Chipmunk, Townsend |
C |
1 |
Chipmunk, Yellow Pine |
X |
X |
2 |
Coyote |
X |
1 |
Deer Mouse |
X |
1 |
Deer, Mule (black-tailed) |
XC |
x |
XH |
M |
4 |
Deer, White-tailed |
X |
x |
2 |
Elk |
C |
H |
2 |
Ground Squirrel, Beldings |
M |
1 |
Ground Squirrel, Richardson |
X |
1 |
Ground-squirrel, 13 Lined |
Nn |
SX |
2 |
Ground-squirrel, Columbian |
X |
1 |
Ground-squirrel, Golden-mantled |
H |
X |
2 |
Ground-squirrel, Miriam's |
X |
1 |
Ground Squirrel, Townsends |
X |
1 |
Harbor Seal |
DO |
1 |
Marmot, Hoary |
R |
1 |
Marmot, Yellow-bellied |
X |
X |
2 |
Muskrat |
X |
X |
2 |
Nutria |
X |
1 |
Opossum |
x |
1 |
Prairie Dogs Black-tailed |
B |
1 |
Prairie Dogs White-tailed |
X |
1 |
Pronghorn Antelope |
X |
X |
X |
4 |
Rabbit, Brush |
O |
1 |
Rabbit, Desert Cottontail |
Nn |
1 |
Rabbit, Eastern Cottontail |
x |
X |
2 |
Rabbit, White-tailed Jack Rabbit |
X |
1 |
Raccoon |
1 |
Red Fox |
C |
X |
2 |
Squirrel, Douglas' |
O |
R |
2 |
Squirrel, Eastern Gray |
X |
1 |
Squirrel, Red |
C |
1 |
Squirrel, Western Gray |
C |
1 |
Weasel sp |
X |
1 |
# mammal species = |
39 |