Mrs. Battaly, Mr. Panko
Great News for our Future: a CO2 Trap! | |
Local Owls: Northeast | |
Towers 2007: |
![]() |
At 13 gms, this tower supported 8,200 gm of sand and bucket before it broke. That's 630 times its own mass! Wow! |
At 10 gms, this tower broke before expected, at 5000 gm of sand and bucket. That's 500 times its mass. But, the joints were weak. Watch out for next time! |
Tragedy of the Commons |
Summary |
Document |
Killing the Goose, Daniel Fife |
Pond Life: Lab |
Microscopy UK |
General |
Trees |
What Tree is This? - Ohio Public Library |
Forest Biology and Dendrology - Virginia Tech |
VT Dendrology Twig Key - images |
Twig Key - Southeastern Trees - text only |
Ashland HS, Ohio Twigs |
Identify That Tree |
Twig Key |
VT Dendrology Twig Key - images |
Twig Key - Southeastern Trees - text only |
Ashland HS, Ohio Twigs |
TOWERS - Getting Started |
Design 1: Dynamics, Scoring |
Design 2: Base Considerations |
Design 3: Trigonometry |
Construction Tips |
Start: In the next 5 minutes write a brief
essay describing your experiences with the January thaw. |
Does the January thaw exist? David Shultz: January Thaw Penn State January Thaw Exercise and Albany data excel file |
Follow-up Articles: Gothamist January Thaw Maryland Weather |
Pandemic Influenza |
The Origins of Pandemic Influenza |
Assignment Questions - due 12/5 |
Butterflies of the North America
New Orleans Flood |
Scientific American
article |
Hurricane Risk for New Orleans Sep 2002 |
Time Magazine (clear images): |
ECOSCI PowerPoint Presentations: ECOSCI GettingHot | Wetlands
Global warming | Cool and Creamy Lab
Nature's Events -
January | Bird Song - February |
Spring - March
?'s - April |
Corn Snake |
September - Fall
Tsunami links: Animations, The Physics of Tsunamis, Welcome to Tsunami!, Classroom
Owl Pellets (Mrs. Bat's pages) |
Labs | Pellet Contents |
Pellet Worksheet | BarnOwlTrust |
Lab and Key | Skull Key |
Lower Jaw | |
AP Food Chains | |
Lab/Pictures Live Animals | |
Animal Diversity Web |