They feel it--yes! The atmosphere ballooning,this cold front's pressure domebuoyant to their airy bones.They are launchingfrom every New England ridgetop.All week they've preeneddrizzle-heavy plumage,their taloned grips fidgeting,eager to leave perchesbut held to their boughsby sloppy air.Each day's shorter allotment of lighthas goaded: be gone!The spanking high surges inand they ride its bow wavesurfing across its northerly blow,flocks scudding southwest.When mid-day builds thermals,they'll seek the towering airsand swirl, a jubilation of hawksmounting without a wingflapinto the cumuli, and beyond--Panama, Colombia, Ecuador.
"The Big High" was originally published in the COA Bulletin (Connecticut Ornithological Association). Polly Brody has been published in many literary journals and has received numerous awards for her writing. She is the author of three books of poems: Other Nations (poetry), The Burning Bush (essays with poetry), and At the Flower's Lip.
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Updated 10/27/09