Bobby scans the sky, looking for
hawks at FIRE |
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especially hawks at FIRE: Fire Island Raptor
Identified all the prey of Ospreys as they flew by
Veteran of Vietnam War
US Navy Served on the U.S.S. Manley
Army Corps of Engineers EIS Studies
manager for Fish, Wildlife, Wetlands and Water Quality
Bobby Kurtz
Dec 23, 1944
- Sep 26 2017
Hawk Watcher
hawk watchers at The Fire Island Hawk Watch,
Bobby Kurtz was the heart of the Watch. He acknowledged every
single passing hawk by clicking it on his clicker board and then
jotting it down in his personal book. For species that passed
by infrequently, he would leap up and shout for joy, revelling its
passage! This occurred for Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles,
Northern Goshawks, and any buteo that graced us with its presence.
He also loved the first adult male Merlins of the season, the