Saw-whet Owl Research Project

Find more about Weather in White Plains, NY

Impeachment #2 (Start at 15 min)
"He [Trump] betrayed the Constitution, the country and his people." Rep.Jamie Raskin, A Conversation with Jamie Raskin,  J. Rubin 2/1/21
Trial, 2/13/21:
Guilty, 43 Aquit

The Big Lie: Trump claimed to have won the election.  He did not win.  Joe Biden won by 7,052,770 votes: 
Biden 81,268,924
Trump  74,216,154

Impeachment #1
"President Trump is impeached forever, disgraced in history for his abuse of power and contempt for our Constitution."
Nancy Pelosi, WP editorial, 2/8/20


 Barn Owl
 Scissor-tailed Flyc
 Painted Bunting
Henslows Sparrow
Prairie Warbler
Atlantic Puffins!
Common Eiders

Kentucky Warbler 2012
Mississippi Kite
Pigeon Guillemot

Hummingbirds:Rufous & Ruby-throated

Aerial Show:  Bald Eagle&Peregrine

Black-throated Gray Warbler:Male&Fledgling

Upland Sandpiper

MacGillivrays Warbler

Sooty Grouse

3 Rattlesnake Walk

Kentucky Warbler

Summer Flyers

Black&White Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Worm-eating Warbler

Black-capped Chickadee

Spotted Sandpiper

Red-tailed Hawk&Squirrel

Night Videos: Saw-whets

Saw-whetTelemetry 2010

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

White-tailed Kite

Barred Owl:Video, audio

Louisiana Waterthrush
Acadian Flycatcher
Plumbeous Vireo
Blackburnian Warbler
Timber Rattlesnake
Cape May Warbler
Helping: Wood Turtles
Saw-whet Owl, &mouse
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Shinnecock at Dusk
Broad-wings & Weather
Falcon Trends at Fire Island
Peregrines at Fire Island
Bald Eagles on the Hudson
Golden Eagle at Hook
Rough-legged Hawk
Swift Fox
Song Sparrow eats fish!
Grace's Warbler
Swainson's Hawk
California Condor

Migration Radar
Winds Map

Dedicated to education in math, science, and technology, and to the study of terrestrial ecology.

Northern Saw-Whet 



Slowed 50%


Pine Barrens Tree Frog

Pine Barrens Tree Frog

New Jersey, 5/27/07  
video: cedar, railing, calling

Delaware Skipper

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat at Harriman State Park, NY

animated: What's For Breakfast?

Stream at Cranberry Lake


SEA Science Enrichment Associates
- Education Consultants
- Terrestrial Ecology:
   Studies and Analyses



Lawrence's Warbler, 5/19/05

audio - sings typical BWWA


Video of the month:
Hermit Warbler 1st,
2nd, 3rd clip 
Osprey at Nest
Garter snake, Harriman

Grasshopper Sparrow,

Tree Swallows

Webmaster:  Trudy Battaly   
Updated: 01/09/24   

Swainson's Warbler, 5/16/05

Florida Trip


Short-eared Owl

Red-shouldered Hawk
Redtailed Hawk >Close Action at Hook
 >At Walkill NWR

Eastern Towhee

 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

 Elephant Seals

Rough-legged Hawk

  Snowy Owl
  Hermit Thrush Sings
 Hummer on Nest
 Barred Owl-GSCBC
Burrowing Owls
 Magnificent frigatebird
  Dry Tortugas
 Snail Kite
 Mangrove Cuckoo
 Black-whiskered Vireo
 Diamondbacked Rattlesnake
 Swallow-tailed Kite
 Egret Eats Anole
 Reddish Egret
 Roseate Spoonbills